On Saturday, April 27, 2013, the female ex-porn stars who gave testimony during Shelley Lubben's Ant-Porn event, really blasted the world with the sad and horrifying truth of a life spent in pornography. During each ladies' talk, that started with terrible stories of their early childhood; years of loneliness, hopelessness, and abuse, that would eventually lead each of them to seek love and wealth in the fake glittery existence as a porn star. What they found: was an entrance into the bowels of hell. Fortune, eluded them, as the devouring and self-serving porn-pushers greedily swallowed the bulk of the profits; love was shrouded in the spurious flattery from crazed-fans and pornography-pimps; and happiness could only be spuriously found in the stupor of a drug-induced haze. All came close to death; sometimes by their own hand. The most telling revelation - one former porn actress said, near the end: she had “nothing left to sell.” At that point, she knew the only direction she could turn was towards the loving embrace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
During every testimony, I was stunned. I had read, and watched on YouTube, and even talked with these women, and men, and listened to their stories. But, Shelley, by the Grace of God, had collected the largest group of ex-porn stars ever to witness to the Saving Power of God. One after the other, story after story. It was heart-breaking. While I sat there, I prayed that every man, and young boy, who watches porn, even fleetingly, could hear what these women had to say. Could they then enjoy the sight of people being tortured, humiliated, and abused? Could they watch someone, who was raped and molested as a child, be savaged all over again? For, unlike what the porn industry claims, women do not enjoy having anonymous promiscuous sex in front of the camera. Hence, the near total absence of male for female prostitution, female targeted porn, or women cruising public toilets for free sex. These are women who are desperate, and they sell what they have: their body.
This takes me back to the words of the brave ex-porn actress, she had nothing left to sell. Men: are you buying? Will you contribute to the destruction of another soul; the destruction of a life? Would you be an accomplice in a robbery; a murder; or an abortion? When you look at pornography, that is exactly what you are doing.