In Los Angeles, a former producer with the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography; a well-respected Washington D.C. pediatrician was arrested for possession of child porn; and in Puerto Rico, an executive with a major pharmaceutical company was arrested for producing child porn.
What do all these recent cases have in common? The pedophile (or child porn collector) is no longer the sharp-toothed monster of the past. He is the man who lives next door. The corrosive and soul-stealing impact of so-called main-stream pornography has controlled the minds and bodies of men; they now seek out more intense and demonic diversions. Unfortunately, I saw this first-hand. When I was a low-rent porn star, but rather well-paid escort, many of the clients I saw were powerful and wealthy men in the fields of big industry; and two of them were involved with national politics. For the most part, many of them were newbies; fresh to the scene of sexual deviancy. One Washington hot-shot, that I thought would be thoroughly kinky, turned out to have rather “vanilla” predilections (at first.) Over the year or so, that I saw him, I noticed his sexual tastes becoming more and more perverse; marching in-time, with the increasingly sick porn that he told me he watched. For myself, I too, grew up looking at naked girls in Playboy. When I reached my early-teens, these magazines I found completely boring. At the point I reached the end of my imprisonment within the pits of porn, nothing excited me. The only thrill left untraveled: was death.
Of course, these degenerated men have free will; but, determined by what age they were first exposed to porn, the action of the will may be severely damaged or non-operational. The image, a powerful one from my childhood, that always returns to consciousness, is that of Walt Disney's classic animated version of Pinocchio. The puppet hero, having lost his strings, becomes enslaved all-over again by the many depraved seductions of Pleasure Island. Then, having succumbed, he and the other lost boys are turned into monsters. These men go through much the same process: as curious, lonely, and hormonally-charged little kids – growing into fully brain-washed consumers of hard-core violence as eroticism. At some point, the powers of evil take over. Once that is accomplished, the forces of darkness are economical, and they wish to inflict the greatest amount of damage in the least amount of time: by going after the most innocent and vulnerable. For example, a computer specialist, and convicted porn trader, was recently arrested and the police discovered a fully equipped torture chamber in his basement. He was ready to take the next step. The other men I mentioned above? They were on their way. What about those who think looking at soft core-porn is OK? They are also opening themselves up for a similar fate.