Homosexual students at George Washington University in Washington D.C. are trying to organize brown-shirt style shock troops in an effort to oust a Catholic priest from the campus Newman Center. Sadly, they are bantering about such terms as “homophobic” and “divisive” in a terrorist style plot to overthrow the courageous priest. And, as someone who was once the real victim of homophobia, their misuse of these words is bordering upon wicked. Since, the sermons and teachings of Father Greg Shaffer, merely reflect the Truths of the Catholic Faith, but are nevertheless cited by the students as “alienating.” The students also lambasted Shaffer’s counseling sessions, in which he said he advises students who are attracted to members of the same sex to remain celibate for the rest of their lives. Apparently, they further dislike the Father's blog. Last year, on the subject of same sex-marriage, he wrote:
As Vatican II states, God is the author of marriage. He has defined marriage as between a man and a woman. So, marriage is between a man and a woman. Period. This is not just divine law, it is natural law (the law imprinted on each of our hearts about good and evil). Every single rational person knows that sexual relationships between persons of the same sex are unnatural and immoral. They know it in their hearts. And, yet, they go against what their hearts tell them when they try to argue for same-sex relationships and “gay marriage”. President Obama is the latest person to enter into this with his comments this week in support of same-sex marriage. He knows in his heart that marriage is between a man and a woman; he stated this as recently as a few years ago. Neither he nor anyone else has the authority to redefine marriage. God is the author of marriage; He has the sole author-ity to define marriage. No human being can redefine marriage, especially a politician in an election year.
I could not agree with Father more. Dear God, if I had heard such a man as this, back when I was stewing in the filth of porn, during my days at UC Berkeley, my life might have turned out very differently. Father Shaffer tells the Truth. And, he must. For the safety of the souls entrusted to him weigh heavily upon the shoulders of every conscientious priest; as, one day, they will have to answer to God for what they did or did not accomplish. Speaking from my own personal experience, as someone who once lived the gay lifestyle: the Truth can be very difficult to bear. The Truth instantaneously strips us of our imaginary realities, and exposes our pains. Considering, as homosexuals, after an often traumatic childhood of confusion and taunting, we viciously guard our fantastical new found happiness in the 'out and proud' world. In a completely reactionary move, we instinctively strike back at those we perceive as attackers; even if these people have our best interests at heart. Christ experienced this; and now so does Father Shaffer.
My dear brothers and sisters at GW University: do not falsely denounce this good man. He is relaying the Word of God. Think about what he has said; meditate on it. Put the past woundedness away. Because you know that this is the Truth.