“Tonight, somewhere in America, a young person, let's say a young man, will struggle to fall to sleep, wrestling alone with a secret he's held as long as he can remember. Soon, perhaps, he will decide it's time to let that secret out. What happens next depends on him, his family, as well as his friends and his teachers and his community. But it also depends on us -- on the kind of society we engender, the kind of future we build.”
This statement from President Obama was included in an Official White House Response to enact Leelah’s Law which would ban nationwide all so-called gay conversion therapy for minors. Leelah refers to a young man with gender identity disorder, with a history of mental illness, who committed suicide in 2014. Shamelessly, the gay power-pushers, and their allies in the Democratic Party, are using the tragic death of this teenage boy to further their social agenda: the near impossibility of those suffering from same-sex attraction to seek help within the medical profession. Why? Because instinctively they know it works, and that scares them; first, because if people finally realize they don’t have to be gay – the homosexual world will begin to become irrelevant; unseating many from their thrones of power, secondly, this type of therapy is asking gays to go to the one place they fear returning: to their wounded childhoods – to the point of trauma.
Part of the lie inherent in modern homosexuality is inadvertently evident in the Obama statement: for example, why does the theoretical young man that he mentions “struggle to fall asleep.” As one of those former insomniacs, the lack of sleep experienced as a teen had nothing to do with realizing or coming to terms with my homosexuality, or even concerns about how others would react, but because I was internally trying to understand why I turned out this way when every one of my friends was straight; I believe this goes to a fundamental realization within the human soul that homosexuality is wrong; for, all of us, initially rally against it. Its only through capitulation – usually by viewing pro-gay media images and personalities in the media, watching gay porn, or becoming prematurely sexually active does a full surrender of the will take place.
And, herein lies the fear: when we become gay – we partially give-up that hurt and traumatized self and fuse it with the gay mindset; in other words, acting out sexually our dysfunction, i.e. an irrational longing for masculine love and companionship, eases and then nearly blocks all access to the memories of childhood. When we are forced to deal with the reasons behind our homosexuality, that comfortable complacency vanishes – once again we are a scared little boy trying to figure things out on our own. The distant, even disregarded, awareness that perhaps homosexuality is an illusion strips us of our most cherished beliefs: that we were born this way. Only, what reparative therapy attempts is to heal the person inside a somewhat protective environment of therapy; this is especially effective when the psychiatric and the spiritual are combined. As then, the therapist or doctor can become an agent of heavenly healing; then, the extraordinary can and will happen.