According to a new study, porn addiction is causing men not to marry: authored by Michael Malcolm of the University of West Chester, Pennsylvania, and George Naufal of Timberlake Consultants, the paper, which was published by The Institute for the Study of Labor in Bonn, found that “Substitutes for marital sexual gratification may impact the decision to marry.” “We investigate the effect of Internet usage, and of pornography consumption specifically, on the marital status of young men. We show that increased Internet usage is negatively associated with marriage formation. Pornography consumption specifically has an even stronger effect.”
“For Internet usage generally, all models show a negative and statistically significant association between hours of web usage and marital status. The magnitude of the estimated marginal effect of an additional hour spent on the Internet on the probability that a man is married ranges from −2.48% for the IV-probit model to −0.19% for the OLS specification, but all are negative and significant at the 10% level. For pornography consumption specifically, the magnitude of the marginal effect also varies across models, but again all are negative and significant at the 10% level. This is consistent with our previous findings that Internet usage in general has a negative impact on marriage formation, but that use of pornography has an especially strong impact.”
In addition, the researchers found that: “Pornography users are more likely to hold a college degree, more likely to have moved, and they also attend church less frequently…”
This all reminds me of something Pope Francis recently said: “So many projects, except for one's own sins, but many, many projects for mankind’s dehumanization come from the devil, simply because he hates it. And he is clever, so is written in the first page of the Genesis. He is clever. He shows things as if they were good. But what he really wants is destruction.” Porn is just another – a subtle trap to pull men away from their true destinies as either fathers, religious, or holy single men.
Link to study: